It is not just a matter of decorating our spaces and sowing to sow. The real point that there is such a large variety of typical Seville trees derives from acts of conscience, public health, adaptation to our soils, spaces around rivers and climate, good stockpiling for birds and some beneficial species associated with entomology, of course. without abandoning the ornamental value and the coexistence of these species with urban areas, also helping us to combat pollution and improve our quality of life.

Importance of Typical trees of Seville

The identity that has been intermixed with them, giving the quality of indigenous to many of them, have taken on a relative importance to the sense of belonging in the Sevillian citizenship. What for many would simply be nature in urban areas, for the inhabitants of this world are visual rest, health purification, better oxygenation, a healthy balance between buildings and the natural and clearly, a contribution of flowers and fruits that have helped many residents in the bad and good moments of their existence.

Your cares

An exceptional case is the care provided by municipal authorities, private companies and individuals to the typical trees of Seville, as well as to fruit and flower plantations of other types. Residents have been taught to care for trees from pests and mites by preparing homemade water-based fungicides with copper sulphate, in addition to its correct application and the frequency due to maintain the health of the trees that will pay well for such care for their environment.

Such citizen actions reinforce the sense of ownership and identity that is possessed for everything that is part of the feeling, personality and vital utility among Sevillians and that should be the day-to-day of citizenship.

Where they are

Although we have talked about urban areas, assuming these as houses, sidewalks, parks, gardens, squares, government entities, historical – heritage sites, entertainment and shopping centers as well as reference tourist points, where the presence of typical Seville trees stands out most is on the banks of the rivers and streams around Seville. Let us add to them the farms and herds where they specialize or are sown as a form of identity, care and profit.

The forests of the Rivera de Huelva and the sections with typical Seville trees in the Guadalquivir stand out, in the latter many hectares lost due to errors of past administrations when cutting the Cartuja from the Island of Tercia to Patrocinio and La Triana from Patrocinio to San Juan, leaving reforestation aside.

This precedent urged the inhabitants to vindicate themselves with their environment, under penalty of paying high consequences in the immediate future. And it has been seen with its citizen action of care and protection to the Sevillian trees.

Typical trees of SevilleThe Typical trees of Seville most recognized

A great variety of typical Seville trees with local origin or derived from foreigners makes life in these lands. Those that we could cite as the most appreciated are:

  • Acebuche de Casaquemada
  • Barberry from La Jayona
  • El Berrocal cork oak
  • Cork oak of El Rincón
  • Throat Cork Oak
  • Algarrobo de Las Merras
  • Hackberry from La Mina
  • Oak of El Lobón
  • Chaparro de la Vega
  • Oak of the Dogs
  • Juniper of the Tohales
  • Eucalyptus from Hacienda Torrijos
  • Eucalyptus from La Pizana
  • Fresno del Molino del Corcho
  • Fig tree of the Cortijo de las Monjas
  • Lentisco of El Fraile
  • Mouse herd mastic
  • Mesto de la Loma del Arroz
  • Ombú of the Tower of Doña María
  • Palmito of the Cortijo Las Cabezas
  • Mesto de la Dehesa El Castillo
  • Pine of El Lagar
  • Pino de la Dehesa de Gatos
  • Pine from the La Sandía vein
  • Old White Hato Pine
  • Pino del Pilón de la Casa del Guarda
  • Pino del Tío Chusco
  • Quejigo de la Fuemprieta
  • Tilo from El Martinete
  • Cork oaks from Finca El Alcornocal
  • Encinar de Coronado
  • Strawberry tree from Finca La Algaidilla
  • Melojar from the Real del Robledo vintage