In this section we offer a small guide intended for a tourist who wants to know the enormous religious and cultural show which is the Holy Week in Seville.

At first glance this great Sevillian party can be intimidating. The whole city was thrown into the street and tourists fill the hotels, so that the masses of people or ‘bulla’ occupy every corner, making it difficult to approach the processions.

Holy Week Semana Santa Seville

Like everything else, information is power. This section will discuss some tips and tricks for charming moments of Holy Week in Seville with some comfort. This guide is intended for the brotherhoods of Seville in the most comfortable formalo posibleen the most accessible places, with less waiting still need the shortest possible displacement always within the historic center of the city. has sought not see all the brotherhoods. But see more of them, but for itineraries that allow walking, avoiding crowds and long waits. General advice and basic ideas to enjoy the Holy Week in Seville

  • Easter processions in Seville are organized by brotherhoods or brotherhoods. Each procesional brotherhood in one day, schedule and specific itinerary, with no two have the same route. The procession is basically composed of Nazarenes (penitents, guild members) and one, two or three “steps”, which are the religious images that are located in beautiful structures decorated and are carried to weight by a gang of people called costaleros .
  • There are brotherhoods that make very long journeys and thousands of Nazarenes and others that do not leave the historical district and handle more modest figures. There are also more popular processions and more relaxed atmosphere and some very serious in silence and recollection draws the attention of the visitor. Generally, the darker the robe of the Nazarenes, more serious is the brotherhood, without prejudice to the seriously and respect for religious rituals and symbols is a norm throughout the week.
  • The processions are usually performed in the afternoon and evening, with the peak hours from 19 hours at 1 or 2 am, except on the night of the “madrugá” whose action starts at about 1 a.m. and ends about 12 hours of the next day.
  • The value of a brotherhood is measured by its tradition, quality and age of your images, the ability of the equipment carriers (bearers) and the skill with which are coordinated with a good band. The good fan looking to Easter special moments and most picturesque corners.
  • To the untrained visitor recommend the experience to live in peace, flee areas closer and enjoy the processions in wider avenues. We have made a list of streets and schedules recommended for easy browsing processions (see below each day). If a deeper immersion want is almost essential to go together an amateur Seville or less seek advice. We recommend the tone we meet during the procession. There are times when processions are developed with absolute silence. In these cases we recommend respecting this circumstance, mobile off and controlling children as much as possible. The ideal person to ask is the so-called “chapel”, to which he is recognized by his formal attire (jacket, usually dark and tie), to show a symbol of their brotherhood and their impeccable styling. The chapels are the greatest fans of Easter, as good sevillanos are very friendly to visitors and are happy to share their knowledge and advice to tourists in the most important festival in their city, whenever at an appropriate time oblivious to the passage solemn of the brotherhood.
  • If a visitor comes with childrens recommend to look less formal processions, which are well recognized for having many Nazarenes develop in childrens or evening hours. Childrens can be placed in the first row and trick-or estampitas Nazarenes. They are very entertaining.
  • The Holy Week is a period of maximum influx of visitors to Seville. If you want to visit one of the great monuments is essential to book a tour or tickets without queues. Click here to see the options. Watch out processions !. There may be restricting access to certain monuments such as the Cathedral, Giralda and the Alcázar. Better to call and inquire before visiting.

Holy Week Semana Santa Seville

How to move between processions

  • As a general rule if you want to see a brotherhood in a narrow street we get into it before they start to spend the Nazarenes, avoiding settling in the areas of intersection.
  • If the Brotherhood already on the street, we recommend follow the last step, usually the Virgin and enter the street after him and when it can be placed as close as possible.
  • The charm of brotherhoods is not just watch it go. It is recommended to follow if 200 or 300 meters arrows to hear the marches or enjoy the twists and rhythmic movements possible. The most exciting and popular times are usually coordinated steps and music bands movements.
  • To cross the official race (Cathedral Square the Duke) there is provided several marked steps. – Calle Sierpes, to Cerrajeria street and Sagasta-Plaza de El Salvador. – Plaza de San Francisco, direction Plaza Nueva or Plaza de El Salvador – Constitution Avenue, Hernando Colon street address. – Calle Garcia Vinuesa (Arenal), direction Cathedral
  • You can cross a street Brotherhood, if not too many people, asking politely step.

To move or from the Cathedral to the area of ​​the Bell -Plaza of the Duke normally and the passage of the brotherhoods have to make a detour, the recommended routes are to north, streets Don Remondo Corral del Rey, Square of San Isidoro, Plaza Cristo de Burgos, Encarnación, Plaza de San Andres, Amor de Dios streets, Trajano plaza, until you reach the Plaza de Duke. For the South, follow through the streets Mateos Gago, Alcazaba, Plaza de Triunfo, Av. Constitución, Calle Santander, Paseo Colon, Reyes Católicos, Marques de Paradas streets. Alfonso XII – Square Duke

Cathedral Seville

See the processions inside the Cathedral.

You can view the brotherhoods inside the Cathedral but has a limited input schedules, except that once in Cathedral if you exit, you can not re-enter. Along the way they are not accompanied by bands or music. To view the brotherhoods in the streets have established four recommended times.

  • Evenings 16-20. Hours. (Schedule very young audience, ideal if you go with children, see the brotherhoods in daylight)
  • Nights 20-24 hours (hours more public when the official race parade, ideal if you rent a chair).
  • Madrugadas from 00h. (Schedule with less public interest and for being the collected their neighborhoods, where they often sing arrows).