Devotion to the Virgin of El Rocio in Sevilla Brotherhoods of the Dew Sevillanas make the pilgrimage to the village, with its “simpecado” behaved in a luxurious and decorated wagon pulled by oxen to the wagons accompanying the pilgrims and pilgrims walking.
Usually they leave their temples in the morning from Tuesday to Thursday before the feast in the village, accompanied by a large audience, during its passage through the different streets of the city, where we can hear rockets and rocieros sones.
The return and collection is usually done later Wednesday or Thursday at the Festival, usually in a calm and peaceful atmosphere. They follow the same path, which at the exit, entered the city in the afternoon, between 5 and 8, collected in their temples at midnight.
The most traditional Sevillian brotherhoods are:
Brotherhood of Rocío de Triana
La Hermandad de Triana, comes from the chapel of the street or l Evangelista parish of San Jacinto and has great drawing power. Through the main streets of the neighborhood: Pagés El Corro, San Jacinto and Castile, to the Basilica of sponsorship, where the dismissal is made. It is also very significant run in the nearby town of Castilleja de la Cuesta, a place in the rociero feel found this Brotherhood of Triana like yours, continuing along the path of Triana to Villamanrique and the Dew, which runs parallel to the road Bollullos to Aznalcázar. After passing the Burning River access Villamanrique to follow the Royal streak to reach the village of El Rocío in Huelva.
On his return, he goes behind the brotherhood of the Macarena, in the neighborhood of sponsorship, through Chapina, Castilla, San Jacinto and Pagés of the Corro Evangelista, where is its chapel.
The Brotherhood of Seville
Last leaves from the parish of El Salvador and runs through the center of the city, past the Cathedral and heading down the avenue of Argentina, haciaSan Juan de Aznalfarache, where it is received so festive. Continue on Mairena of the Aljarafe and Almensilla, leaving roads, roads to go to the hermitage of Cuatrovitas in Bollullos de la Mitación. then passes ford burns, guadalimar. From there, it goes the way of Hinojos, stopping at the Finca el Caoso and reach the bridge Ajolí and the village of El Rocio. In the return arrives Bormujos, Tomares, San Juan de Aznalfarache, Sevilla enters the avenues of Blas Infante, Argentina and reach the city center.
Brotherhood of the Dew of the Hill
Of the Eagle Brotherhood of the Hill of the Eagle out a day earlier than before, from the parish of Sorrows in his neighborhood and passes through the Parque Maria Luisa, to go out Eritaña, Bridge Delicias Golf Fair and cross the river Guadalquivir the iron bridge of San Juan de Aznalfarache, passes through this town going by Mairena of the Alcor to the road to Villamanrique de Triana, from this town take the road of Villamanrique, who goes by the Royal Raya to the village. On his return comes along Avenida Juan Pablo II, the bridge of Delicias Plazas America and Spain, Ramon y Cajal and its neighborhood.
Military Brotherhood of Rocio
Brotherhood Military or Military, comes the same day as the previous one from the parish of Our Lady of Loreto, of the quartering of Tablada, touring the neighborhood, to go to San Juan de Aznalfarache, following the path of the brotherhood of the Hill of the Eagle.
Sevilla Hermandad Rociera South
Brotherhood of Seville South, leaves from the parish of San Juan de Avila, in the popular district of the Polygon South, passing through the area of the Parque de Maria Luisa, la Palmera, Av. De la Raza, Puente de las Delicias, Av. Juan Paul II, Golf and farewell Fair city to San Juan de Aznalfarache, Mairena, Triana -Villamanrique road and from this location by the Royal Raya, reaching the village. Upon his return comes from the Juan Pablo II Avenue, toward the bridge of Remedios, Maria Luisa Park, El Porvenir, Shooting Line and its neighborhood.
Brotherhood of Rocio de la Macarena
La Hermandad de la Macarena comes before the twinned de Triana parish of San Gil, walk the neighborhood to the Alameda, San Lorenzo, where he visited the Basilica of the Great Power, continues down the street Torneo and Isla de la Cartuja, to take address Beds, Castilleja road to Villamanrique and Triana from here by Raya Real to the Dew. Upon his return enters the Patronage to the bridge of the Cub, Calle Marques de Paradas, Bell, St. Angela de la Cruz, Macarena and Feria street. Visit to the village of El Rocío (Huelva) From Seville, the village of El Rocío is 85 km by road (one hour). There is easy parking the vehicle. Therefore, it is perfectly feasible to spend a magnificent rociera day overnights in the capital and if we go by the evening of Sunday, we see the main events of the pilgrimage and the output of the Virgin, in the early hours of Whit Monday.
El Rocio in Sevilla These popular points of rocieras brotherhoods in the province of Sevilla
- Crossing Villamanrique. More than seventy Brotherhoods and Associations Rocieras visit this Sevillian town, door and Antesala Doñana El Rocío, celebrating Pass Brotherhoods. Interest is a party full of tourist tradition, history and devotion. Tuesday through Friday, on the way round Tuesday and Wednesday of next week, on the way back, moments of emotion rociera multiply. Brotherhoods are received by the thousands of attendees so peculiar stamp, and especially by the old simpecado of the first and oldest Brotherhood of Rocio Villamanrique de la Condesa, present under the lintel of the Church of Santa Maria Magdalena, located in the Plaza of Spain. Then, the brotherhoods rest in the Dehesa Boyal, at the exit of the village, where we see a mural of the Virgin of El Rocio large. On the return of the brotherhoods is remarkable the entrance of the Brotherhood of Villamanrique and Triana step
- Vado del Quema. The crossing by the ford of the Guadiamar River, 3.5 km from Villamanrique, he is a shrine of the Virgin of El Rocio. It is one of the most important events because it is forced passage of most of brotherhoods and lived in a fervent rociero environment, which offers one of the most beautiful sights of this popular festival. The event, declared Festival of Tourist Interest in Andalusia, is crossing the river by a ford, located in the Finca de Quema, near Aznalcázar. the passage of the cart of the Simpecado and baptism as “rosemary” of the pilgrims who first made the road is celebrated. Is restricted vehicle access, can be accessed from Aznalcázar, the SE-667 road deviation is taken to the green corridor of the Guadiamar, or Villamanrique starting from the ring village road Big Island, and taking the diversion to green corridor mentioned. In this ford by the brotherhoods from the road Triana Villamanrique, access brotherhoods coming from the south, Isla Mayor, laventa way from El Cruce, situated 11 km, passing through Monte Hill. Those from the north of the Alcor, reach it by green Laruta of the Guadiamar. Before the ford is the resting place of the Guadiamar, rather than spend the night of the brotherhoods.
- Crossing the Guadalquivir River, Coria Passing through the Guadalquivir, through the coriana barge is one of the most important actions and in turn lesser known of the Romero Plan. Brotherhoods participate Hill of the eagle, Utrera, Morón Area with those from Malaga, Cordoba and Granada. Are more than twenty brotherhoods, the first is the brotherhood of Malaga Caleta, followed by that of Fuengirola, Ronda, Granada Santa Fe and etc. Brotherhoods From here, follow the path towards Almensilla.
- Step through the towns of the Aljarafe, Castilleja de la Cuesta is flooded with oxcarts, horsemen and women faralaes with his songs and clapping fill the town with joy and color. There are three brotherhoods of the Dew that run through the village: Camas, Triana and Macarena. San Juan de Aznalfarache, stop and save next to the church of San Juan Bautista, the brotherhoods of Seville El Salvador, Military, Cerro Sur and Seville. Mairena of the Aljarafe and Bormujos party received with the passage of the Brotherhood of Seville and in the field of fair Mairena stop several brotherhoods.
- Rocieros places the road from Seville to Villamanrique It’s called Cordel de Triana, in these places the fraternities rest “siesta” or spend the night. This road runs parallel to the road Bormujos – Aznalcazar. Bollullos of Mitación, Hacienda de Torrequemada, located 7 km to the south west. deviation Aznalcázar road, instead of step sibships from Mairena, Triana stage. – Hacienda de Monasterejo, deviation in Aznalcázar road, 9.5 km. – Hacienda La Juliana pine forest, and the nearby Ermita deCuatrovitas, accessible by a 14 km diversion road of Aznalcázar, is stage of several brotherhoods, such as Seville. – Hacienda Lacruz of the Ponce de Triana crossroads and the path of Puebla, overnight the brotherhood of the Hill. – Well of Adders, overnight area of hermandades as Macarena. – Hacienda Lopaz, more south usual stopping place sevillanas sibships, also step sibships route from southern the Alcor. This way Triana – Villamanrique, deviates to the south west, and becomes the so-called Cordel of the Shirelles, through the Colmenar, stage Triana, turn, to continue through the pine forests of Aznalcázar, until descansadero of the Guadiamar river stage Triana, and then reach the ford of burns. – Road Benacazón step sibships from the center Alcor. – Ermita Gelo hacienda on the road to Aznalcázar Bollullos, continues to the pasture Pinar Marlo, and to the south connects with the line of Triana, before arriving in the Ford of burns. – In Almensilla, chapel and farm San Diego, located in the popular village road to Puebla, passage of the brotherhoods that access from Puebla or Almensilla Coria. From here it connects with the line of Triana, in the descansadero de la Cruz Ponce or Juliana hacienda. – Aznalcazar, roads passing through pine forests to the south of town, where many brotherhoods spend the night, highlighting the meadow and the pond Tornero, 2 km. – The passage of the river Guadalimar is made by the Ford of burns. – Villamanrique, after the ford burns, laCañada through the Fresnos, brotherhoods reach this population, 4 km, the cross, to go through his parish church. In the meadows of Boyal and near Chaparral roost many brotherhoods.
- Rocieros places Villamanrique Road. Following from Villamanrique to El Rocio there are several paths, some brotherhoods take the route to the west, along the road to Hinojos, passing through the Caoso, stop the Brotherhood of Seville, La Calera, Head Rasa, the Moralejo, and finally the bridge of the Ajolí, to reach the village of El Rocio. Others will take one of the two parallel paths, to the south of the village, towards the Real Raya, from Porla Sale Cat, Three Pinares de Pajares, stage of the Cerro, Sale Mauro, ELPOZO Machine, stage Triana, Sevilla South Macarena, located in LARAYA Real. It is the way of the brotherhoods of Villamanrique, Triana, Cerro, Sevilla Sur and Macarena. Alternative route to the latter, the most located south along the path of the Bujeo for farms Hato Blanco and Hato Raton, within the park of Doñana. These two routes come alPalacio Rey, located 13 km from the town and the same distance as the dew, and overnight stopping place several brotherhoods. Past the Palace of the King, to the Dew, it is the places of Cañada Mayor, El Vicioso, El Pinto, Matasgordas, El Ajolí, Cano Marín, etc.
El Rocío Chico a good opportunity to know the Sanctuary of the Virgin, eminently religious festival with Triduum, Holy Rosary and in the morning of the nineteenth day solemn function Votive, which is renewed held in August in the village of El Rocio Vote thanksgiving to his mediation in the War of Independence, with subsequent Eucharistic Procession with the Blessed Sacrament under a canopy, the area around the shrine.