Seville It is one of the most popular and crowded provinces in Spain. The vehicular movement, especially on vacations, is impressive. Cars come and go 24 hours a day.

The good news is that the Spanish town is made up of a road network in optimal conditions. Its roads, highways and roads are ideas to connect cities, towns and airports.

Most of these roads are surrounded by beautiful scenery straight out of movies. A sample of how beautiful it is to drive in the town of Andalusia.

In addition, they have preventive maintenance, lighting, prohibition signs and competent personnel to manage traffic.

if you are planning visit Seville, or creating a route for your visit to Andalusia, we recommend that you join us. In this publication we will mention what are the main roads of Seville.

Main roads of Seville

AP-4 road

One of the main roads of the city known for connect Seville with Cadiz. It has a length of 668 kilometers. It was inaugurated in 1972, lightening the passage of vehicles in the south of Spain. Currently, it is one of the busiest; according to statistics, it shows an average intensity of 17,504 vehicles per day. It begins at the height of Dos Hermanas and ends at the height of Puerto Real, just 8 kilometers from the city of Cádiz. Along the way, sections such as: El Cuadrejón, VillaFranca, Lomopardo and Puerto Real can be seen.

Highway N-4

Previously known as the N-IV road, it is one of the most important routes of Seville. It is 680 kilometers long and connects Seville with the country’s capital, Madrid. In principle it was created with the aim of freeing the toll on the A-4. This is something common that is done with the aim of promoting the safety and integrity of road users. It crosses several places such as: Manzanares, Cádiz, Puerto Real, Jerez de la Frontera, Córdoba, El Carpio and Madrid.

Highway A-49

This step is named after Highway of the V Centennial. It connects the province of Seville with Huelva and the South of Portugal. It has a length of 132 kilometers. It is one of the most used roads to travel to the Portuguese country. It is one of the oldest roads in Seville. The origins date back to the early seventies. It was designed as an alternative to the old N-431 highway. It crosses several sections, such as: Niebla/Bonaes, Castillejo de la Cuesta, Sanlúcar la Mayor, Bollullos Par Del Condado, San Juan del Puerto A and Ayamonte.

main roads of Seville

Highway N-630

The N-630 motorway, also known The Silver Route, where you can view the Silver Way –an old Roman road– is part of the longest roads in Spain. Its length is 817 kilometers and it was designed to unite Gijón and Seville. It starts at Puerto del Musel Gijón and ends at the port of Seville. It crosses several provinces on the way, such as Asturias, León, Zamora, Salamanca, Huelva, Cancers and Badajoz. In addition to its vehicular viability, it stands out for the beautiful panoramas that surround it, with hills and extraordinary landscapes. It is also one of those that welcomes the most traffic; something logical when connecting to the north of Spain.