July is the great Feast of Triana: Triana’s fair in honor of the apostle James and the mother of the Virgin Santa Ana, although in recent years has lost some of its religious character. Join us to get to know “La Velá de Santa Ana” a little better.

Fair of Santiago and Santa Ana in Triana, La VeláThe neighborhood is decked out to celebrate his best days, a party whose origins date back to past centuries when this suburb was part of the port city.

A tourist celebration, ideal for admiring the customs and traditions of a neighborhood that is very core of Sevilla.

The trianeros are the true protagonists of the fair, which has become a claim over to visit the city during this month. Usually it lasts six days, from Tuesday to Sunday, coinciding with the festival of Santiago, San Joaquin and Santa Ana, on 25 and 26 July.

It begins with the opening speech and during daytime sports activities are carried out, highlighting the “Cucaña”, a contest where young people compete to reach the handkerchief gets to the end of the prow of a boat on the river, which has previously been oiled.

Other sporting activities include Mile Santa Justa y Rufina, the Regata night, the Acualón, a bike race, a fishing contest, football tournaments, etc. To these cultural and social activities are added, such as the theater in Triana hotel, conferences, competitions, tributes, Trianero of the year, concerts etc.

Fair of Santiago and Santa Ana in Triana, La VeláAt night, the festive activity is located around the street Betis, Seville area where booths are installed with a great festive and fair atmosphere. Altozano Square becomes a stage where every evening art performances are performed live performers featured in the Andalusian flamenco song.

Religious activities are added to the Real Parish of Triana. Vespers is celebrated in the traditional Novena and Joys of Lady Santa Ana, the protagonist being the bell tower bedecked for the event, with band and ringing bells. Follow the act with “besamanos” of Lady Santa Ana. On the 26th, after the Rosary, the solemn ceremony takes place in honor of the Holy and then the solemn procession inside the church.

The last day of this evening, arriving at midnight, usually programming a fireworks display to close the festivities.Fair of Santiago and Santa Ana in Triana, La Velá

Other activities for these days of July in Sevilla

In the convent church of Santa Ana, in the street of the same name in the district of San Lorenzo, there visit the main altar, which is the group of St. Anne and the virgin, the work of Martinez Montanes of 1627 in its second body. also visit the parish of Santa Ana in Triana, to contemplate in the central altarpiece group of St. Anne and the Virgin and Child Andres Ocampo of the seventeenth century.Fair of Santiago and Santa Ana in Triana, La Velá

We may also visit the Parroquia de Santiago, located in the Plaza de Jesus of redemption, Santa Catalina area. Here, on the right wall, we can admire the great painting representing Santiago at the Battle of Clavijo, work of Mateo Perez Asencio from the seventeenth century.

In the province Fiestas de Santiago, July 25, is celebrated.

Aznalcazar 45 km, in the Aljarafe they are traditional festivities Santiago, declared of tourist interest, with the procession of images of St. James, the work of the sculptor, Castillo Lastrucci, and the Virgin of Sorrows.

Villanueva of the Ariscal, 15 km, is celebrated the Feast of Santiago and the solemn procession of Corpus Christi. EstaProcesión traditionally celebrated on July 25, due to a special relationship of the villa with the Order of Santiago.Fair of Santiago and Santa Ana in Triana, La Velá

Bollullos of Mitación on this date, the women of the villages carrying the Virgin of Cuatrovitas, from the chapel to the village tradition dating back to the days of the Baroque and is considered one of the celebrations with more taste of all that They held in honor of the Virgin. Also they celebrate the festival of Santiago. Villanueva of the Rio and Minas, to being the pattern of Villanueva.

Casariche Fair, the festival par excellence of this town. Castilleja de la Cuesta, sailing is held in Santiago Apostle, organized by the Brotherhood of the Plaza, the highlight is the morning of the 25th, with the departure of the Rosary of the Aurora, accompanied by the choir of campanilleros and women dressed in flamenco dress, and the next day procession of the Holy.

We can climb the mountains to San Nicolas del Puerto, 93 km from Seville, to freshen up in the North saw in the ‘Waterfalls of the Huesna “artificial beach in the town and enjoy the Feria de Santiago. Santa Ana, July 26 It is celebrated in the town of Dos Hermanas, with procession in Constantina with a fair in Canada Rosal, with the Festival of San Joaquin and Santa Ana, fair, release of heifers and processional and Steppe with procession and sailing along his hermitage.

Highlighting the Feast of Santiago and Santa Ana de Dos Hermanas with the procession of Ntra. Ms. de Santa Ana, Patroness of Dos Hermanas. During these days a very popular evening at the Plaza de Arenal is held.