Seville… land of beauty in its squares, parks, neighborhoods, monuments, tales, stories and stories, worthy of being traveled in a harmonious, fun, entertaining way and what better way than through a bicycle? Well yes, Bicycle routes in Seville they will represent a wonderful and unforgettable pleasant experience.

On Seville you will find tour options on electric bikes, with their respective guide, the rides are offered for the whole family, for example, women ride bikes, men ride, children or in groups.

We invite you to know the route options for when you visit this province, you have to live such a fun and unique experience. Welcome

6 Bicycle routes in Seville

  1. TransAndalus from Seville

It consists of a route of up to 2000 km through the lush mountains of Andalusia. You will also have the option of choosing your destination according to your tastes, physical conditioning, terrain slopes (valleys, ravine, beaches or towns). Count on tracks or map, which you can download for free and save if you wish.

  1. Aznacóllar and Gerena

They depart from Seville, followed by Gerena; the terrain for the tour has a certain incline and in other cases roads with moderate unevenness. One of the best attractions on this route is On the way from the Well to the Alberquilla fountain; return, pass by Santiponce, Beds until reaching the starting point in Seville.


  1. Greenway Sierra Norte de Sevilla

This tour presents an initial overview of the old mining train, then the wide green meadows, they make it a walk of culture, tradition and relaxation with the family. The riverside forest is the guide all the way, being attractive view of Andalusia. This route passes through Riveras de Huéznar, like its waterfall, declared a Natural Monument.


  1. Pinares de Aznalcázar and Sanlúcar La Mayor

8-kilometer route with steep elevations on the ground. Its significant places are many, being the itinerary of the following places: San Juan de Aznalfarache, Mairena, Corridor from Triana to Villamarnrique. A rather significant attraction are the Pinares de Aznalcázar. Fun and demanding tour for outstanding mountaineers.


  1. Aznalcollar – La Sebastiana Trail

Have you previously ridden some demanding terrain? Then surely you will be qualified to do it again on the road Aznalcollar from Seville. It will be a little more than 1,200 meters.

You will have to get firewalls in some areas of the route. One of the main attractions is the path of the Sebastiana, a steep descent of more than 5 kilometers. Go through the river, surprising turns, secret hiding places and extreme fun, it is what you will find in this demanding leg tour.


  1. Guadiamar Green Corridor

Iinteresting tour from Sanlucar to the Pinares de Aznalcazar and the Guadiamar green corridor. You can be sure of arriving in your car and leaving it parked. The tour is circular shape, easy, simple, beautiful scenery. The immensity of Guadiamar river and the attractive birds are part of the entertainment.

What did you think of the routes that we present to you? Do they have to be interesting for your physical conditioning, terrain interest and attractive to your tastes?, We want to tell you that whatever option you choose, you will have to make a fascinating decision, never to forget and dream of the natural immensity that you are expecting.