Leave for a few hours bustle of the city is one of the things that leads to the use of Arab Baths Hammam in addition to the health benefits they have. We invite you to read on to learn more about one of the best things you can do in Seville.

Arab Bath Seville https://seville-city.com/

What are the Arab baths?

Arab Baths, or also known as “hammam, or Turkish bath hamam” is a relaxing steam bath. This type of baths plus relax the body, also exfoliates and cleanses the skin. “Alfama” (in Portuguese); “Alhama” (in Spanish), derived from the Arabic “Alhamma” name; so it is valid any of these names to refer to an Arab Bath. A large number of old buildings in Spain were used for this purpose, mainly in cities belonging to the peninsular Southeast as:

    • The Arab Baths of Seville.
    • In Valencia, in the middle of the year 1313, was built a building Mudejar style, next to the palace of the admirals of Aragon, which they called “Baths of the Admiral”.
    • Also, Arab Baths were Hernando de Zafra, located in Granada.
    • Next to the river Darro was “The Bañuelo” and “Los Banos Arabes de Jaén”.

Why you should visit a Hammam in Seville? Benefits and advantages

Arab Bath bathing take action as something “sacred” by the Islamic religion. It also produces great benefits to the body, so it is often used as a therapeutic approach to diseases such as anxiety. In this type of bathrooms Arabs is very common to use essences, there is a nice, quiet environment and use a soft, soothing music. This water together with the essences and the environment, offer relaxation. Relaxation and tranquility will make a time to leave the premises of the Arab Bath can notice the difference in the body with a unique relaxation and wellness.

Arab Bath Seville https://seville-city.com/


The Arab bath is governed through the use of three circuits, which are as follows:

    • The warm pool. It is the first phase before moving on to other pools, and function is “off the body of stress and go chilling”. The body in contact with water produces neural and muscle disconnections that lead to a unique state of relaxation and wellbeing. Therefore, this pool is essential in the process of starting the routine of the Arab bath and use their properties for the welfare and health of the body and mind.Arab Bath Seville https://seville-city.com/
    • Warm Pool. I have exfoliating properties, because the water causes skin pores and thus open the removal of impurities occurs. This process induces a deep exfoliation of the skin, which helps in cases of acne, or any other condition in which the skin is involved. An example of skin diseases would be acne, dermatitis, psoriasis, among others, which have seen significant improvements with regular use of such baths.Arab Bath Seville https://seville-city.com/
    • Pools Frías. It is advisable for the circulatory system, as it tends to increase heart rate and stimulates the proper functioning of the Central Nervous System. The use of hot and cold water as a therapeutic method and relaxation gives the body an improvement in joint pain and improve functioning. Similarly, in the motor part, provides better blood supply to the muscles and therefore helps smooth operation and considerable reduction in discomfort or pain.Arab Bath Seville https://seville-city.com/
    • In the case of hot water, generated in the environment needed moisture to the steam reaches the airways and lungs, improving respiratory problems. They have experimented with the use of Arab Baths improvements in cases of episodes or depressive illness, stress, panic, hyperactivity, among others. Should take special care to pregnant women, must notify the attending physician about the risks and benefits of this type of bathrooms. Generally the sessions of the Arab Baths have an hour and a half or two hours. In this time interval you can enjoy a unique experience. This often vary in cases where time is included in the circuit massage or other treatment available.

Explosion premises in the Jewish quarter of Santa Cruz in Seville

In XVII century Arab baths Sevilla died, but since relatively recently taken actions that led to the rebirth of this way to get away. Aire de Sevilla comes up for lost time by the absence of the Arab baths in the area. It is a way to take a break in daily activities that generate stress. It is something that is already part of the history of the city. It has salt water baths, living jets and Hammam. Arab baths in Seville include among its activities massage sessions with intervals of varying duration as the case or the tastes of the individual. There are also several relaxation treatments, exfoliating, aromatherapy, chocolate, etc.Arab Bath Seville https://seville-city.com/

Best Arab baths in Seville </ h2>

    • Aire de Sevilla. Aire de Sevilla is the name given to an establishment located in the central area of ​​Seville, in which all the services of a top-notch Arab bath are offered. Aire de Sevilla will find an atmosphere of relaxation and wellbeing, with a professional staff and an environment in which you will find very comfortable. It is a place where the beauty of its historic facilities only is imposed to enter the site. It is a unique option for the wide variety of therapies and services that mix water with health and proper functioning of the “body and mind”. We recommend attending a session that lasts more than an hour and a half or two hours, try it, and you evaluate yourself if it’s worth. For us, it is an integral experience in the Santa Cruz district in the heart of Sevilla. The atmosphere contains a smell of incense, natural essences are combined with music and dim lighting with the sound emitted by the water, creating a unique atmosphere. Baths Aires Seville’s facilities include a saltwater pool thousand Chorros, also has also a hammam and various water temperatures typically offers Arabic Bath.
    • Medina Aljarafe Medina Aljarafe offers one of the best services in Sevilla Arab baths in a space containing a thermal circuit and a relaxation room where massages are performed. This environment is conducive to relax the body and mind, so we recommend visiting an Arab BathArab Bath Seville https://seville-city.com/
    • Hammam Sevilla Hamman To the Ándalus, is one of the most famous baths in Seville. It noted for its incredible facilities, good price and body treatments. Some of these treatments are: – Treatment 1: Cleaning skin Among the alternatives offered as therapy and treatment we perform deep cleaning of the skin using water vapor and increasing sweating. This procedure generates the skin properly oxygenate and eliminate free radicals that can damage, for delaying aging. All these benefits offer them in three different areas: the warm waters, temperate, and cold water. Treatment 2: kessa. Bath Hamman A the Ándalus provides an innovative treatment, “the kessa” which is a massage originating Arabic is used to perform cleaning of the body. The kessa helps remove impurities from the skin, dead cells and, in turn, helps the circulation stimulation and thus enhances cellular activity.

Tips and information of interest to go to an Arab bath Seville

Arab Bath Seville https://seville-city.com/Among the advice that can be given to attend a Bath Arabic, the most important is to notify if we have any kind of disease, such as diabetes, hypertension, heart problems, among others. It also should be advised if you are pregnant. You must choose the type of therapy you want to perform and comply with the protocol of the establishment as to the rules that must be followed. Complying with this you can enjoy a unique moment of relaxation and promoting a welfare state which never want to leave.