The important dataphone better known as POS, is a resource that many banking entities usually offer for small and large entrepreneurs. Many Banks of Sevillethey offer you with varied percentages according to the movement of your accounts.

The important thing is to know that, before the imminent trade changes, every day more broadly competitive proposals are added to opt for the diversification of online alternatives.

One of the resources par excellence are the virtual POS, which provide a secure method, 100% online, with fast transactions and acceptance of all types of cards.

Welcome to know where you can process such a request for viable and necessary tools in virtual marketing time. Don’t wait any longer, prosper more in your online business.

Three banks in Seville to process your POS quickly

They definitely don’t exist anymore. Bank entities that resists the changes of marketing, the same market, indicates the whore of where we are going and how we should respond to such demands.

In sevilla, Three of the banks that we are going to refer offer rates adapted to the average, which you can select according to your movement and billing musts. Let’s see what they are:

  1. BBVA

It gives you the opportunity to grow your business online, managing to collect your orders or services remotely. To do this, charge the amount of 10 euros per month.

Integrating a payment gateway is not a difficult task now, thanks to the fact that electronic commerce is widely compatible with these modalities of remote collections and, highly customizable and adaptable, you will have the possibility to request and in less than 72 hours, you can receive payments with bizum card, final amount sales, subscriptions and more.

With BBVA you will have 24/7 technical support, as well as you can choose a stable or variable amount to cancel your POS


  1. Bankinter

This bank will give you the opportunity to choose from the variety of plans it offers for point-of-sale terminals, some of which are: Fixed POS, PC POS, Wireless, virtual, Mobile and Multi-currency, in such a way that it is perfectly adaptable to the characteristics of your business.

Among the benefits that it exposes to its clients are:

  • It will allow you to simplify the payment process
  • Enables operations management
  1. Sabadell

With just a rate of 17 euros per month, you will be able to count on your e-commerce with a secure collection platform, making your business development effective, as well as safeguarding the trust in your customers.

Quick and easy installation and approval this virtual POS, will be activated in less than 24 hours with the bizum service, with the aforementioned monthly fee only if your billing does not exceed 2,000 euros per month.

The particularity of this payment system offered by Banco Sabadell are:

  • Good user experience
  • Payment form inserted in the web
  • Offers cart system
  • The client’s data goes directly to the server, therefore it provides maximum security.